

Saturday 23 March 2013

Islamic Unity - Why The Delay?


                                              ~ Euclid's Axiom

Over the past few months, I have been thinking.... there are quite a lot of Islam-centric movies being made and most of such movies show Islamists as hard-core terrorists who bomb, cut throats, shoot and even blow themselves up for the cause of "jihad". I'm not too certain if y'all paid attention like I did, but movies like ARGO and Zero Dark Thiry (just to name two) seem to bring out the iner turmoils of Islam itself.

I'm sure y'all know that Islam has two major sects, the Shias and the Sunnis. The Sunni Muslims believe that Prophet Mohammed was the one and only prophet who was brought to the forefront by God the almighty, while Shias on the other hand believe that Ali (SIL and first cousin of Md.) should have been the true prophet, however he was deceived and the prophethood was stolen by Md.

Most of you must be wondering why on earth I am talking about this. Well it has been riling at me for a very long time that both these sects belive in one God "Allah" and both these sects follow the "Quran" to be the true word of God. When the two major aspects are common between both the sects, then why on earth would each of these sects want to exterminate the other???

Why can't both the Shias and the Sunnis just give up the sectarian attitude and just call themselves Muslims???

The way i see it, the constant war raging between the Shias and the Sunnis makes me wonder if these two sects actually have the time for "Allah" or do they only have time to give more importance to one mortal man who was or one who could have been the prophet.

Won't the Islamic nations become one of the most powerful in the world if only they could give up the need to kill over who the actual prohphet should have been? Won't the islamic nations be better of if the dont give a damn about Mohammed or Ali and just concentrate on Allah the benevolent and the merciful?

C'mon guys, both your sects belive in Allah and both of you read the Quran beliveing that it is God's own words. So why cant y'all just unite already???

If this is not enough to convince you, then think about the immense amount of power that you would have when you come together are one!!!

For your benefit, here is Euclid's Axiom paralleled to Islam

Sunni            =     Allah (God) + Quran (God's Word)
Shia              =    Allah (God) + Quran (God's Word)


Sunni  = Shia