

Sunday 18 August 2013

Current Indian Political Leaders – Incorrigible Terrorists

With terrorism affecting the entire country recklessly, Chennai as a metropolitan city in India has been relatively safe. The north is constantly and shamelessly invaded by Pakistan and China, the north-east is under constant threat of being taken over by The Republic of China. However the southern states are never under such threat and, touch wood, never come under such threat ever.

It also makes one wonder how on earth is it possible for most of the northern states in India to be affected while the southern states are relatively safe.

Geographically speaking the answer is pretty simple, the northern states are surrounded by land thereby under immediate threat of a hostile takeover by neighbouring countries while the southern states are surrounded by other Indian states and a lot of ocean on both sides which protects it from hostility from other countries.

There is also a political view that can be imposed at this juncture – we have strong political allies within the northern states that, let’s face it, makes money for its self, other political parties to shut the hell up and the remaining for the actual upliftment of the state itself.

However, the southern states are more engrossed in getting caught in the central multi-trillion dollar scams, splitting a state into two,  desecration of national monuments, destruction of public property, demeaning and defaming the existing, ruling political party, creating violence in the state for stupid and selfish causes and not to forget waiting for the right opportunity to try and demolish a political party that works for the upliftment of the citizens.

Currently we have a an amazing political party that has done more than its share for the state of Tamil Nadu, but as always the other parties just want to keep creating problems in order to put our chief minister in a difficult position wherein she would have to spend more time controlling the issues than concentrate upon the welfare of the state. Isn’t it time for the opposing political parties to just accept defeat at the polls and let the reigning political leader work for the welfare of the state?

As to answering the actual question within our scope of discussion, I believe that Islamic fundamentalists / radicals, or other factions of terrorist organization just did not want to wage any sort of a war against the southern Indian states simply because we have our own terrorists – our very own politicians that we had brought into power.

Since we are constantly raked by  political terrorism in south India, why would the actual terrorist groups waste their time bombing us or destroying our cities, towns and villages?

Perhaps it is time for the opposing political parties to read this piece and think. When the current chief minister of Tamil Nadu is actually working tirelessly for the welfare of the state, perhaps the other political parties should either back the fuck off from creating problems or be more supportive in helping the current government work more easily to deliver the welfare to its people.

Mahinda Rajapaska Vs. George W. Bush Jr. - War Crime Atrocities

If Rajapaska Is To Be Tried For War Crimes Then What Happens To Cheney, Condoeezza and G.W. Bush Jr.???

Dear readers, I pretty well know that it has been quite some time since I last posted an article and I know that I still have not completed the multi-part series on my father. You know what they say, when there are more pressing matters on hand, why deal with the trivial. The trivial series on my father shall be dealt with later on when more pressing matters at hand are discussed first.

There is one particular issue that has been nagging at me for a very long time. Forgive my ignorance, I sure am dumb when it comes to law making and political decision but the political scenario in India is one that needs to be scrutinized a lot.

As you may know, we are currently ruled by the Congress party in alliance with many major parties from various states and I suppose they are called the United Democratic Alliance aka UDA. Now the issue started when the centre had an issue with various scams in the telecom arena. Many members of the Parliament were indicted in the scam and most of those members were from a party in Tamil Nadu.

The centre was quiet for a long time on this issue but with much critical talking amounting, they were bottle-necked to take action on this issue. Simultaneously the problems with Mahinda Rajapaska started.

Mahinda Rajapaska is known to be the president of Sri Lanka who took a stern stand and brought an end to the LTTE regime in the North of Sri Lanka. Like all world leaders believe, such a war did have its own collateral damage where Jafna took heavy shelling from the Sri Lankan army. This war saw many lives, both civilian and armed forces, lost. There was also talk that majority of the Tamil population in Sri Lanka was actually exterminated.

I think that gives a gist of what happened in Sri Lanka. Well, the end result was that the leading political party that was caught up in the central scams was now diverting the attention it had gained over one large scam to politically rally the centre to work with the American government and bring Rajapaska to the stands and tried as a war criminal. This act made many people question why the political parties were so interested in doing so only when the scam had hit the roof.

The one point that the local rallying political party did not think of was, Rajapaska actually put an end to LTTE; The same radical group that took pride and the responsibility for killing one of India’s finest leaders in a suicide bombing attack. Thinking in retrospect, the Congress party sighed in relief when they heard that justice had been served for taking the life of their best leader and when the case was such, how could the local party expect The Congress to bring Rajapaska to the stands?

That being one case, could we ever forget the atrocities that the G. W. Bush Government had put the Iraqi leader and its people in the year of 2003 when the Iraqi war was waged with absolutely no proof to the weapons of mass destruction theory.

If Mahinda Rajapaska had to be brought before the International Criminal Court to be tried for war crimes and inhumane acts, then what the hell happens to the already scot-free George W. Bush Jr. Cheney and Condoleezza Rice?

Cheney and Rice claimed that huge consignments of aluminium tubes were shipped to Iraq which raised the theory that Sadam was planning to create weapons of mass destruction. We the citizens of the world solely believed what this useless office-bearers had to say and supported the move to wage a war against a country that survived by itself for a very long time – a country that basically just minded its own business.

Well, the war was waged and the search for weapons of mass destruction made Cheny, Rice and Bush Jr. look like absolute idiots. They had turned up with shit and just could not prove the existence of the rubes. Well, even if the tubes where bought for weapons of mass destruction, then what happened to the bloody nuclear element that would form the core of such weapons. This useless Bush Jr. govt. claimed to have found large aluminium tubes being shipped into Iraq, but what happened to the part where the nuclear element was sourced?

If the local Tamil Nadu party rallying for justice to the dead Tamil people in Sri Lanka need to be heard, then the same Tamil party should grow a pair of BALLS and trying standing up to the American Government. If you wish to take up Rajapaska to the ICC, then let’s do it chronologically.

The war of Iraq took place in 2002-2003 after which the Sri Lankan-LTTE war took place. So grow the above mentioned scrotum, have Cheney, Rice and Bush Jr. prosecuted in the ICC before turning your attention to Rajapaska.

If it is the language (Tamil) that is bringing about the solidarity to have Rajapaska tried and not bother about what happened in Iraq, then the justice doled out to Rajapaska would be a winning point for all Tamil people and their parties but at the same time if the Bush Jr. administrators are not brough to justice, then haven’t we all failed as humans??

So what shall we take pride in later? Long Live Tamil and Fuck Humanity???

Think before you act. You are our political leaders who need to act with a conscience and lead us.

Saturday 11 May 2013

Understanding My Father - Part V

The Broken 10 Commandments

~ Pastor Breaks Eight of the Ten Commandments

In this part, you are going to look at how my father, a retired banker, now embracing Christianity to such an extent that from being a part-time pastor has now become a full-time pastor, has broken 8 of the 10 commandments given to Moses. I have counted 8 to this very day, not too sure when his borderline psychosis is going to make him break the first two commandments as well.

Broken Commandment 1 ~ Do Not Take The Name of Thy God In Vain
As you may well be aware this is the third of the 10 commandments given by Prophet Moses. Wondering how my father has broken this commandment? Well, every time he lies, he swears upon the name of God, the son and the Holy Ghost. This he does with absolutely no qualm whatsoever. He has now gone to the extent of verbally abusing his own mother and makes her swear upon the Holy Ghost. If the father, son and the Holy Ghost are one through the trinity, then doesn’t swearing upon either one of them actually break the commandment of “taking thy God’s name in vain”? His latest trend in taking such a name in vain is by abusing everyone verbally and in two seconds calls out to Jesus Christ or God the father! The mouth that uses filthy language also preaches and calls to GOD!

Broken Commandment 2 ~ Keep The Sabbath Day Holy
This particular commandment has been broken only over the past few years, totaling not more than 6 or 7 years. On the Holy Day of Sunday (according to Christians) one is expected not to think, do or even speak evil as much as possible. For my father, this particular day is no different from any other day. He would go to church with a filthy mind, give an equally filthy sermon, come back home and use filthy language. Hence, the second commandment has also been broken successfully.

Broken Commandment 3 ~ Honor Thy Father and The Mother
Thankfully this commandment could not be broken with his father, since the good old Mr. Samuel passed away when I was 2. Sadly, my father’s mother, Ms. Clara Samuel is still alive thus giving my father an opportunity to break the 5th commandment. Y’all need to understand that my gran pushed 90 two years ago, is quite feeble and senile. In many ways she reminds of a sweet, little innocent child who has comprehension issues due to ones level of understanding another’s speech. At this age, my gran has been cursed to be taken care by my father who abuses her every single waking day of her sad life. He curses her and keeps telling her to die so that his problems would end soon, he asks her if she was born to one man, he asks her if she is a bastard and on to top of such abuse my living father tells his living mother that she is a prostitute (translated from Tamil, hence can’t afford to be politically correct).

Broken Commandment 4 ~ Thou Shall Not Murder
Before my father became a banker / part-time pastor he was with one of the local political parties which had and still has the most influence within the state and at the center. Being at the centre of such a party my father claims that he was the one who took care of all the dirty work for this party. One day I overheard my father telling someone over the phone that he is the only person who knows where people who suddenly vanished during this party’s rule have been buried. I do not know if such a passing comment was meant to instill fear in the heart of the person on the other end of the phone line, in my heart or did he actually mean what he said. If I have to take this particular statement of his by its face value, then I could bet my life in saying that my father has successfully broken the sixth commandment.

Well even if this far-fetched claim of his ain’t true, then I believe he has committed the act of murder on many given occasions. In the third part of this multi-part series on my “father” you would have read about the bitch that my father is having an affair with. Well, this bitch’s mother told us that on many occasions my father had taken the bitch to a DNC center to abort their unborn child AKA murder the unborn child. I don’t care what others have to say but to me, this particular act of destroying life in the womb is the worst form of murder, immaterial of whether the child is legitimate or otherwise! Now with the proof that my father has been responsible in killing his own unborn child, I shall say to you that my father successfully has broken the 6th commandment.

Broken Commandment 5 ~ Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery
By far, “thou shalt not commit adultery” was the easiest of all commandments that my father could break. Proof? The existence of the bitch, his need to constantly have an extra-marital relationship with family members or strangers and the fact that all the members whom he has tried to have an affair with are living testaments to this very day!

Broken Commandment 6 ~ Thou Shall Not Steal
For those of you who are under the impression that only material things can be stolen, then here is food for your thought and perhaps reason enough for a paradigm shift.
  • ·        My father has an affair ~ stole my mother’s trust and betrayed the whole family
  • ·        My father started having an affair with a girl who just turned 15 ~ stole her innocence and a beautiful life ahead
  • ·        My father had made his “affair” undergo abortion on many occasions ~ stole an unborn child’s right to live
  • ·        My father lied and still lies about a lot of things ~ stole and keeps stealing our right to truth  and last of all,
  • ·        My father physically abused me and mentally tortured me, since I was a child through my adolescence ~ stole my right to a happy childhood.
There it is for you, a person need not necessarily steal material things alone to break the 8th commandment given to Moses.

Broken Commandment 7 ~ Thou Shall Not Lie

My father suffers from impulsively lying. No, he is not an attorney by profession, but a retired employee of a bank. I was always under the impression that people lie only when they are scared that the truth could get them hurt. In the case of my father, he lies for the joy of it, he lies to ensure that the family does not stay together and most importantly he lies to make certain that situations seem too unbearable that we would have to depend upon him for a “solution”.
Eg. 1
I download a lot of movies, I love to play games on my laptop, I love to write and blog and yes occasionally I watch porn for that instant release. My father does not like the fact that I spend more “quality” time with my laptop than actually spending time listening to the ignorant garbage that comes out of his mouth. Hence, to make certain that I don’t spend much time on my computer, he tells me one morning that a group of cyber-crime people came to our house and made a lot of enquiries and apparently they had told him that they were tracking a lot of porn being downloaded at our house!
C’mon, who are we shitting here. We live in the god forsaken boonies where even the regular cops don’t come around often let alone the cyber-crime division pin-pointing the location of porn download! Moreover doesn’t the cybercrime division track down actual cybercrime???

 Eg. 2
Before I moved back in with my parents, my father always had the need to complain to me about how “out of track” my brother was. One day he was complaining that he has been calling people at random from our home phone and asking them for sexual favors. When I asked how my father knew about it, there was this momentary grunt not expecting the questions and quickly comes back with a retort saying that these people called back abused my father.

Sadly for my father, I removed the home phone unit and totaled it a long time ago. I also told my father that I was the one who broke the phone and there was no possibility that my brother could have done what he is being accused of. Then I asked my dad to shut the ---- up and also told him not to keep incessantly lying about every single thing.

Well, there sure are more such examples that can easily prove that my father, the pastor, broke the 9th commandment successfully.

Broken Commandment 8 ~ Thou Shall Not Covet

My father coveted
·      His brothers’ wives
·      My mother’s sister
·      Our neighbors’ wives
·      Our women church believers
·      Some one’s innocent fifteen year old daughter and successfully having a relationship with her to this day.
And the list just goes on.

Breaking 8 commandments out of ten – That’s why we have pastors!

Sunday 21 April 2013

Understanding My Father - Part IV

The Plot To Kill Me 

~ A New Level to My Father’s Sadistic Acts

Having read through the previous parts on “understanding my father”, you would have come to understand various psychological findings that have stayed hidden in my father over the years and how they have manifested into absolute hatred for my living being. In this part I am going to narrate an incident that wrecked havoc in our lives….and as always thanks to my father for not only hurting me emotionally but also physically.

If you are wondering if a person is capable of hurting his own son physically, then lay your question to rest since I shall be your living proof. Since I was a small kid my father has not only hurt me emotionally, but also physically. Such physical abuse took place with a belt at most times, his rugged handed hand at sometimes and whatever else the hand could throw…few times. All of this was done with the justification “he who spares the rod, hates his son”, quite twisted a verse from The Book of Proverbs in The Holy Bible!

Thinking in retrospect I really wonder if there had been a single night when I did not shudder in my bed when the clock announced the time of my father’s arrival. I also wonder if I ever had waited happily to jump on my father with glee and receive him home.

All that I remember is forcing myself to sleep early or at least pretend to be asleep so that I would not have to cross his path, for even my shadow gave my father infinite reasons to wield the belt, stick or just the rugged water-buffalo palms to leave many marks on my over-sensitive skin. Such marks were well covered cuz all the thrashings were on my upper back, hence being conveniently covered the next day underneath my clothes.

Wow, never felt that just thinking about all that happened in the past could possibly give me the shudders again! Either ways, such physical abuse continued unquestioned cuz my “father” was stronger than everyone else in the family and such “not-sparing-the-rod” act was perfectly accepted in our society and most importantly by his sibling. However, thinking in retrospect, there were times even his siblings were scared that my father’s thrashings could put an end to my life, hence they intervened which brought about an even stronger wrath of my father.

Such abuse reached its pinnacle when I entered college. My father had and still is having an affair with a girl, whose father died in our house…enter the underage girl who wrecks havoc in my family (hitherto, referred as the bitch). This bitch's had been an epitome of love, honesty and fidelity whilst his daughters could not be seen under the same light. We were under the impression that my father was actually providing for them monetarily since their father died in our house and that such an act was out of guilt and a sense of responsibility towards those girls.

Least did we know that my father was actually grooming the bitch to become his “ho, ho, ho”. She was 15 when this affair started and I was 21. Neither mom nor I had any inkling about this clandestine affair, however people in the neighborhood and the church started talking, thus we heard about it. As you could have guessed by now, my father created hell at home when his shit hit the fan. His verbal and physical abuse got a lot worse (if such a level could have existed).

One fine day, my mom instigated me to confront the bitch and end their shameful relationship. We went to her house, confronted her and the bitch actually had the gall to say that she was having an affair with my father and she asked “what can you possibly do about it?” When this happened, the bitch was actually 16. During the confrontation, my father turned up at her house (possibly a booty call), came across the two of us and created more hell for both of us.

Few days later when things started going absolutely overboard at home, I told my father that I would go to the police about his affair with an underage girl, which slightly shook him up. There was li’l bit of peace after that. Least did we know that the surprising calm could actually lead to a tornado!

Here is the tornado!
During September 2005, I was travelling to work on a cute little moped. My shift started at 2:00 hours so I had to leave the house at 00:00 hours to get to a common pickup point, which was 10 kms from the house and take a cab at 00:30. One day (after the confrontation episode) I took my usual route cuz I didn’t suspect anything. On the way I was stopped by a stranger who wanted a lift till the bus depot. While the stranger was asking me for the lift, three more men appeared from behind the bushes (quite a deserted area and has no public transportation past 22:00 hours) , took away my cell phone, wallet, my moped’s keys, my gold ornaments and started beating me with everything they could possibly find.

One man kept dialing my mom’s cell phone number at that hour and kept disconnecting. Mom panicked and called back. The man who had my phone answered the call but didn’t speak to her, rather he let her listen to all that was happening. Thankfully my mom had the presence of mind to call people from our church and sent them in search of me. By the time my cavalry could come, these strangers were done beating me up. They returned all that belonged to me, including the gold, looked at me and said “don’t ever mess with your father again” and left in a tuk-tuk that was hidden behind the bushes.

I was bleeding all over when they were done with me but I still had the strength to try and start my moped. Well, even my moped had a grudge against me I suppose that it just won’t start. I missed my cab to work, was bleeding all over hence parked my ass on the side-walk since I didn’t know what else to do. Then came the cavalry sent by my mom, but t’was all too late. If you were wondering where my father was when all of this happened” well, he was conveniently “out of town” so the blame won’t stick.

This led me to quitting my job, since I was tattered both physically and mentally, made me contemplate suicide for long, on figuring out that I did not have the courage to kill myself, I found another job and left the house under the pretext of distance. Many relatives had a lot of things to say but I wanted to live and I could survive only if I left the house.

After almost eight years of “living my life” I am now living at my parents’. Why? Cuz, I have a li’l brother and I don’t want my father wasting his life or him just the way he tried with me. I shall wait till the time my brother finds a job after college (he has just entered his tenth grade now) and then, I shall either kill myself cuz of my “loving father” or perhaps leave home once again to “go live my life”.

This is not a story, rather a painful narrative of my past. And yes there are people like my father who would not hesitate to threaten the lives of their own sons if their interests were threatened.

If you have a father like mine, leave your house now and go live elsewhere. Your life is worth more if you aren’t buried in a concrete wall or in the backyard whilst your relatives and friends think that you had just upped and left.

In the words of my erudite friend “go live elsewhere for you will be able to do more good for your mom and your brother from far than being six feet underground in your yard”. 


Sunday 14 April 2013

Understanding My Father - Part III

Sigmund Freud’s Behavioral Theory Needs Amendment

In the previous part, you would have read Dr. Freud’s behavioral theory where the needs denied during childhood could have an adverse effect in adult behavior. In this part you are going to look at how the consciously denied needs of an adult affects behavior in the later stages….Proof? – My own living father Mr. Kelly Samuel

As you know, my father is fast approaching his 60s, is currently quite obese, unable to see his own toes, very ugly and not to forget that he is retired with a lot of time on hand and an absolutely idle mind!!!

He always reiterates a statement that when he was just approaching 30 he had to live his life according to timetable, that involved only work, mom & me and his so called “ ministry”! His claim is that such a timetable never let him have a social life and his constant transfers with the Indian banking system, had left too little of a personal life and way too much time to have idle thoughts viz a viz. is my wife cheating on me, is my son sucking the man next door, is my wife meeting my family members and updating them on my infidelities, etc.,

In all known manners my father has been a womanizer since time immemorial however; such an action of his does not give him the right to see everyone else in the same light. Though we know that it sure ain’t right to see others in the same light as one’s self, my father doesn’t and would not acknowledge it. He is under the impression that he is infidel and that makes everyone else infidel as well.

Coming back to the point of understanding what happens when an adult consciously suppresses a need… well, such a need is only repressed until that time he or she have more free time.

Well in this case, my father states that he had to fore go a lot of things in life since he had to stick to the timetable of providing for the family. Hence “needs” of his were not unconsciously forgotten. Rather, since it was a conscious effort to forget such needs, it has manifested itself in ways unimaginable.

One of the ways that I would like to coin at this point of time is that he has tried to have sexual relations with almost every woman in the family, especially if they belonged to my mother’s side. He has also tried sleeping with his own brothers’ wives, both of whom retaliated and that made him start looking for variety outside the family.

I could possibly conclude that this particular infidel character is much influenced by the Sagittarius trait that he possesses but it is more convincing if I had to pin it down to behavioral psychology (since Ms Radha from the University’s Psychology department stated that Psychology is a science that can be proved).

So remember, when an adult consciously makes an effort to suppress a need or a want, it only lays low in the conscious mind. When there is a lot of idle time for such a mind, it mills over what it had missed for so long and finds ways to re-live it.

In the case of my father, he had to suppress the need to fulfill the desires of his loin owing to reasons like the family, society and not to forget religion. Such a suppression has now led him to go against the family (the one for which he had lived life in accordance to a timetable) by sleeping with an underage girl with whom he has now successfully maintained a relationship for the past 10 years, go against the society by not giving a damn what it has to think or say and most importantly go against his own religion by violating one of the ten commandments…thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife.